Medical Staffing Software Blog

Millennial Workers Now Dominate Healthcare

Written by Tim Teague | 3/6/19 5:00 PM

Did you know that millennials now form nearly one-third of the U.S. workforce and significantly fill the ranks of nurses? With such collective power, they correspondingly exert great influence over the healthcare industry. Hospitals and nursing facilities that work to address the needs and desires of a millennial workforce are best positioned for success and future growth.

With this “changing of the guard” in medical staff demographics, forward-thinking healthcare organizations should consider the following critical ways that millennial nurses and healthcare workers differ from prior generations:

1) Expectations From Leadership

Data suggest that millennial healthcare workers expect much from their leadership. Prior generations were more inclined to ignore management challenges if other aspects of work were positive. However, millennials make a stronger correlation between strong leadership and their own quality of work. If your healthcare company is considering investment in management development, now may be the time to make a move.

2) Professional Development

Recent surveys on millennial work preferences have identified many interesting facts. Another take away is professional development (career advancement) seems to take a higher priority than with older workers. There are likely many reasons for this difference. One may be the fact that many millennials entered the workforce during the Great Recession and are trying to play “catch-up.”

Whatever the cause, strategic healthcare companies should take note. Some managers fear that advancement and training opportunities work against their own interests by empowering their employees to seek outside opportunity. However, this is short-sighted. Talented workers will always strive for more and will do whatever is necessary to achieve their goals. Employers who nurture their advancement stand a better chance at retaining top staff,

3) Transitional Careers

As previously referenced, many millennial healthcare workers are looking toward the future when it comes to career advancement. So, companies must remember their aspirations will likely lead to further shortages in RN nursing staff. Management should expect to lose many millennial bedside RNs as they transition into clinical practitioner roles. This reality is inevitable, but preparation and proper staffing tools will help to fill the ranks and offset millennial bedside RN attrition.

Ultimately, generational demographics form a workforce wave that provides opportunity for progressive healthcare organizations. Instead of resisting the change, companies can use it to their advantage. Management teams that address the needs and desires of millennial healthcare workers and nurses will attract and retain the best employees.

Healthcare companies looking for great nurses and staff should also exploit industry-leading recruiting and VMS technology!